When this great country of ours was formed, one obvious majority existed. Without them, America would not have been born, because, without their leader, the colonists would not have been willing or able to break away from the motherland. Their leader was the spark that ignited the Boston Tea Party, the inspiration for the Declaration of Independence, and the courage that allowed victory on the battlefield. Their leader was God.
And the majority was the Christian men, women and children who were willing to give their lives for the cause of freedom. With God at their side and Jesus in their hearts, they overcame the power of the British forces and laid claim to a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.
Through the fortitude and faith of these Christians, this nation became the most powerful and prosperous on earth. From sea to shining sea, America became the standard for all other democracies to strive for. We became a shining city, blessed by the grace of God, built by the blood, sweat and tears of a Christian majority. That’s a fact.
But, over the years, things began to change. Slowly but surely greed and pride festered our society and we no longer looked to God for the guidance that He so lovingly wanted to provide. He who made us great no longer got the credit for our greatness. He who protected us from evil for so long, was no longer relied upon for that protection. No longer a part of our daily routine, we only sought God when the chips were down. Our society had put Him in a box, and, in doing so, reduced our once vocally and proud Christian majority to a nearly silent and disillusioned minority.
Although there have always been anti-Christian zealots who’s primary purpose was to stifle the message of truth, this movement took off in the early ‘60s when the Supreme Court deemed prayer and Bible reading unconstitutional in our public schools. Since then, every conceivable ill related to our youth has increased, including teenage pregnancy, drug use, murder, the dropout rate, teen suicide, abortions and all forms of sexual immorality.
Of course, some statistics have dropped, such as test scores, our students’ educational standing when compared to other civilized countries, and the desire for young people to attend church or enlist in the military to protect the freedom of others. Sadly, almost every traceable statistic concerning our youth and our country changed for the worst in the early ‘60s. And that’s a fact.
Another trend that has hurt America is that the rights of the individual often take precedence over the rights of the many. Majority rule is no longer the accepted norm and individual responsibility no longer exists. Judges overrule juries, the rich walk free, and the loudest get the stage. All the while, the majority is forced to watch this injustice in court-mandated silence.
Unfortunately, our newly acquired status as a minority does not afford us with the same protections that other minorities enjoy. In fact, we, as Christians, face increased discrimination from all sides. Even in light of the 9/11 attacks and the new fervor of American pride, Christian’s rights are being trampled by the opposition on the liberal left.
With so many people against us, what are we to do? How are we to become that vocal and proud majority we once were? Is there a chance for American Christians, or are we to be defeated by those who scoff at our God?
As I see it, we only have three choices. One, of course, is the choice that we have been making for the last forty years, to remain silent and hope that God will deliver us from the evil, or that Jesus will return to take us home. In retrospect, however, this option is not winning the battle. The fact of the matter is that we are losing miserably, and I don’t think it pleases God.
Our second option is to speak up and let our voice be heard loud and clear. There are several ways for us to accomplish this task, including unifying the churches, boycotting non-Christian businesses and organizations, or coming out in mass on election day and speaking our mind through the ballot box.
Unless there is a major catastrophe affecting Christians throughout America, the probability of the churches unifying is practically null. It’s hard enough getting a couple of churches in the same town to unite for any cause. Life is just too good to have to impose on others, even if they worship the same God and sing the same hymns. Although I do not agree with this position, it seems to be the norm.
As for boycotting, the success of this action lies with individuals, not with the church or the Christian population. To tell the truth, it’s almost impossible in this day and age to find any big business that stands for the same things that Christians stand for. So many have bowed at the homosexual and abortion alters just to be seen as politically correct and fair.
If every Christian did actually boycott all of the businesses that disagree with our beliefs, we could bring them to their knees. But, if we can’t even get a couple of churches in the same town to unite for a simple cause, the chance of us uniting against pro-homosexual or pro-abortion big business is remote.
What I’m getting at is this: American Christians used to be the majority. I believe we still are. Unfortunately, we are neither vocal nor united, thus making us the new minority. And history tells us that the silent accomplish nothing. We must unite or fade into oblivion.